KUHN e-TWIN fast wrapping calculator

Are you looking for fast, economical and high quality wrapping?

The innovative e-TWIN technology saves up to 50% in wrapping time and plastic costs!

Besides a standard single stretch, KUHN introduces the RW 10 series with e -TWIN for excellent cost efficient wrapping. The innovative e -TWIN technology enables wrapping via a unique combined pre-stretcher design with patented film distribution to save 50% on wrapping time and also on film costs. The conical pre-stretch rollers have been positioned in such a way that the two 750mm film wraps with 2/3 overlap are glued together providing a double layer before they leave the pre-stretcher unit.

How does it work?

  1. Indicate the dimensions of the bales and handling information about your needs.
  2. Click on "Calculate result" to see the estimated savings.
KUHN e-TWIN calculator preview


Discover your total annual savings (annual plastic cost and wrapping time)

Check out how e-TWIN technology can bring cost efficiency for your wrapping business. For fast, economical and high quality wrapping.

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